F-1 with Kids


Happy F-1 week to all of you racing fans! Fast cars,  glorious weather, Taylor Swift, plus Usher with The Roots (since The Weeknd cancelled) add up to what is bound to be a pretty awesome time. If you’re coming with  kids, there’s a super-cute spread on F-1 in our Wristbands chapter complete with a mission to accomplish, fun facts, practical tips and a fun activity. Pick up a copy of Expedition Austin in one of several retailers around town, or order one through the site. We’d love to see your F-1 adventures throughout the weekend on Instagram (#ExpeditionAustin), as well! For another useful set of tips on how to do F-1 with kids, read this brief article by my friend, Amy Spiro. As you’ll see, her photo inspired the illustration in our book.

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